The Expedition Begins

This is my very first post on my blogĀ and it is the very first time that I am open to the idea of actually sharing my thoughts and ideas out here in the public so that anybody who wants can read them. Today is a big day for me as today I just completed all of the requirements for my Masters Degree in Theology. I will graduate this December! Yeaaaa!.

If you are reading this page it is probably not because you wanted to hear about me getting a degree but because you saw the title of my Blog, My crazy Internet Marketing Expedition and you are curious what this is all about and what my story is all about. I promise that if you stick with me you will get all of the gory details of the story of how I, Michael Lee, will move from being an novice at Internet Marketing to someone who actually earns a living doing it.

Now I know that’s a big goal but I have determined to do what I have to do in order to “crack the code” on this whole Internet Marketing thing! So I guess I need to set my first small goal. My first small goal is to start working through some of the products that I have already purchased and actually start implementing what I am going to learn. In all fairness and openness to you I have already started doing that and it was suggested in one of the videos that I start a blog. Tomorrow I will tell you a little more about who I am and what product I am working through. For now I am going to celebrate a little and get a good night’s rest. See you next time.

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